How to do API pentesting?

API pentesting can be done manually or using automated tools. Manual pentesting involves testing the API by hand, while automated pentesting uses tools to scan the API for vulnerabilities.

Comprehensive API Vulnerability Coverage
  • API pentesting tools should cover a wide range of vulnerabilities, including injection vulnerabilities, authentication vulnerabilities, authorization vulnerabilities, misconfiguration vulnerabilities, and denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
Empower API Development with Early Security Validation:-
  • API pentesting should be done as early as possible in the development process, ideally during the design phase. This is known as "shifting security validation left" and it can help to prevent vulnerabilities from being introduced into the API in the first place.
Core Aspects of API Penetration Testing.
  • The ability to test APIs of all types, including RESTful APIs, SOAP APIs, and GraphQL APIs.
  • The ability to test APIs that are deployed in a variety of environments, including on-premises, in the cloud, and in hybrid environments.
  • The ability to test APIs that are using a variety of security controls, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption.
  • The ability to generate detailed reports that identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation.